Friday, August 28, 2020

Flip-Invert the Phase of a Track or Selection - Pro Tools


Flip (invert) the phase of an entire track (180 degrees):

Method 1:

  1. Left click in the bottom half of the tracks clip (below the center line {0 degrees}) to highlight the entire track.
  2. Left click on AudioSuite in the Pro Tools menu bar go to "Other" > left click on "Invert".
  3. Left click on the "Process" button to flip/invert the phase of the entire track (180 degrees).

To flip/invert a section (selection within a tracks clip) of a track:

  1. Select the area of the clip you want to invert.
  2. Left click on AudioSuite in the Pro Tools menu bar go to "Other" > left click on "Invert".
  3. Left click on the Process button. (see the image below)

Pro Tools AudioSuite

Method 2:

  1. Insert the "Trim" plug-in on the track you want to flip the phase on.
    • Left click in the INSERTS section of the tracks channel strip.
    • Choose "multi-mono plug-in" > Other > Trim (mono)
  2. Left click on the button that has a zero with a line across it. I have a red square drawn around the "phase reversal button" in the image below.

Pro Tools Trim Plug-in

Method 3:

Insert an "EQ" plug-in on the track you want to flip/invert the phase on. For this example I'm using the stock Pro Tools EQ > EQ 3 1-Band (mono) plug-in. You could use the standard Pro Tools EQ 4 or 7-Band EQ. Each of these EQ have a phase reversal switch.

  1. Left click in the INSERTS section of the tracks channel strip.
  2. Choose plug-in" > EQ > EQ 3 1-Band (mono). On a stereo track you will choose multichannel plug-in > EQ > EQ 3 1-Band (stereo).
  3. Left click on the pEhase reversal button located in the INPUT section of the EQ. The phase reversal button is circled in red in the image below.

Pro Tools EQ Filter Showing Phase Invert Switch

NOTE: If only want to flip/invert the phase of the track and do NOT intend to use the filters of the EQ disable them (the filters) by clicking on the "IN" button located with the controls of each filter. When enabled, the filters influence the track in subtle ways even if you do not use them. They will also use additional computer resources. I've drawn a red circle around the "IN" (enable) button within the image below.