To export an audio "clip" as a "file" in Pro Tools you must first "consolidate" the clip then export it. Export multiple clips at once by selecting all the clips you want to export.
- Select the clip.

- Press and hold down the SHIFT + Alt + 3 keys on your keyboard to consolidate the clip. You know a clip has been consolidated when you can no longer shorten or lengthen it with the "Trim Tool".
- Press and hold down the Shift + Ctrl + K keys to open the "Export Selected" window. See image below.

- Choose the "File Type" you want to export to. Use .Wav if you are not sure.
- "Format" In most cases use multiple Mono for mono tracks like drum hits, mono guitar or vocal parts. Interleaved for clips like stereo keyboard parts.
- Choose the "Bit Depth" and "Sample Rate" to export as. If you're not sure export at 24 Bit and 44.1kHz.
- Select the "Destination Directory" that you want to save to.
- Left click on the "Export" button.